Clubs and Services
(Scroll down to Community Police, Medical Practices and Miscellaneous)
PACT (Partners and Community Together) Facebook: Allhallows Village PACT Twitter: @PACTAllhallows
All Saints Parish Church Visit Tel: 01634 250637
Allhallows Primary School Info Tel: 01634 333090
Allhallows Village Hall For bookings/enquiries telephone 07864861747
Allhallows Youth Club see the web page for the new Parish Youth club
Allhallows Village Fete email Info Tel: 01634 271448
Bingo Thursday 8 pm. at Allhallows Village Hall Info Tel: 01634 271881
Brownies (2nd Allhallows) Stoke Village Hall.
Cross Park Pavilion For bookings/enquiries telephone Rachelle on 01634 271115 / 07852 498203
Guides - Help sought in setting up and running a Guide unit at Allhallows. Meet at Stoke Village Hall In the first instance, please contact Brown Owl 01634 271123.
Mobile Library Service Alternate Tuesdays at Kingsmead Park, Allhallows from 3.35 to 4.05p.m. then in All Saints Road, Allhallows from 4.10 to 4.50p.m. Tel: 01634 718161.
Hoo Library Monday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tuesday & Thursday 2p.m. to 6p.m.; Wednesday Closed all day; Friday 9a.m. to 6p.m.; and Saturday 10a.m. to 4p.m.
Mosquitoes Motorcycle Club Every other Wednesday 8 p.m. at The Fenn Bell Inn.
Nearly New Shop 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. term time only at All Saints Church Info: Tel: 01634 270093
Short Mat Bowls Fridays 7.30 to 10 p.m. at Allhallows Village Hall Info: Tel: 01634 271485
Young at Heart Social Club Sundays fortnightly 2.30 to 4.50 p.m. at Allhallows Village Hall Info: Tel 01634 272498
Community Police - Our PCSOs for Allhallows and the Peninsular area can be contacted on the police non-emergency telephone number of 101 or by email to
(Data given in good faith - the Parish Council is not responsible or any errors or subsequent changes in information)
The Elms Medical Practice - The Surgery, Avery Way, Allhallows, Rochester ME3 9NY. Tel 01634 270345
The Elms Medical Centre - Tilley Close, Hoo St. Werburgh, Rochester ME3 9AE. Tel 01634 250142
Doctors: Dr Birdi, Dr Woodfield, Dr Zia, Dr Myo & Dr Albert
Allhallows Surgery times: Monday 9-11 a.m., Tuesday 3.30-6 p.m., Wednesday 9-10.30 a.m., Thursday 3.30-6 p.m. and Friday 9-10.30 a.m.
At other times please telephone the surgery in Hoo on 01634 250142. Lines are open in Hoo 8.30 a.m.-12 noon and 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. Monday-Friday. To register with the practice, please call at the reception desk.
NHS non-emergency and advice line - 111.
98 Bells Lane, Hoo, Rochester ME3 9HU. Tel 01634 250523 or Fax 01634 255272
The Village Hall, Mallard Way, Lower Stoke, Rochester ME3 9RA. Tel 01634 271347
Kingsley House, Balmoral Road, Gillingham ME7 4PF. Tel 01634 571740.
Doctors: Dr. GC J Davies, Dr. A. Durowoju, Dr. R. Mahandru, Dr. S. Hahm
Availability Of Services: To register as a patient or for further information regarding any of our services to the community, please telephone or call in at our reception desk where our friendly informal staff will be happy to assist you and furnish you with full details: Telephone 01634 250523 8.30 to 6 p.m.
ENVIRONMENT AGENCY FLOOD LINE Telephone: 0345 988 1188. Web site link here.
AGE UK -- If you have any problems contact us on 01634 572 616.
PREGNANCY CRISIS CENTRE Bridge House, 15A New Road, Chatham ME4 6BA Tel: 01634 845958 – for confidential help and advice.
DEPRESSION ALLIANCE -- Now merged with MIND. Find out more here.
HANDS -- Rochester Volunteer Bureau Tel 01634 830371.
SAMARITANS -- 116 123 or Tel 01634 730 981.
TRAVEL INFORMATION -- Clarkes Commuter Coaches 0208 778 6697
Arriva Bus Company -- Customer services 0344 800 44 11 or Timetable enquires 0871 200 22 33.
URBAN/RURAL FOXES -- Foxes are not categorised as vermin, but any specific problems may be helped by the Fox Project.
MEDWAY COUNCIL Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, ME4 4TR Tel: 01634 333333 for enquiries. For out of hours emergencies phone 01634 30 44 00.
ALLHALLOWS VILLAGE HALL To make a booking telephone Kath Cooper on 01634 270304. Block Bookings £5.00 per hour.
One Offs (Jumble Sales etc) £7 per hour, Saturdays £100 per evening.
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Parkinson’s UK, Medway Branch - a large, friendly group meets on the 4th Saturday of the month at St. Stephens Church Hall, Maidstone Road, Chatham ME4 6JE from 10.30 am - 3.30 pm. All welcome - advice, practical help and Carers Support Group. Ring Linda Simmons 01634 856204 or Barbara Blackman 01634 377476 for more information.
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If your organisation is advertised above would you please check the details we hold carefully and let us know of any alterations especially times, venues and telephone numbers. We cannot assure accuracy if we are not kept up to date. If your club or group would like to be included, please contact either the Parish Clerk or the Webmaster